Introduction to Mathematical Modeling


Spring 2000

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Jonathan Goodman

Meeting Mondays and Wednesdays from 2pm to 3:50pm in LC4

Office hours: Wednesday after class until 6pm, or by appointment .

To make an appointment, or contact me (the instructor, Jonathan Goodman), send email to, drop in during office hours, or phone (212-998-3326).

The class bulletin board.

Hints and Suggestions for the class project.

Downloading and printing

Each document will be posted intwo formats, Postscript format (.ps), and a translation of the Postscript file into PDF format. Postscript is a language created by Adobe for high end printers. If you have a Postscript printer, you can simply print the Postscript format file. This is the best method. Software for viewing and printing Postscript files on non Postscript printers, mostly under the name "ghostscript" is free for the downloading. The Acrobat reader, which allows you to view and print PDF format files, is an Adobe product and can be downloaded free. I make the PDF files from the corresponding Postscript file using another Adobe product, the Distiller. It too can be downloaded from the Adobe web site.

Homework assignments

Lecture notes

Useful links