Start Matlab. Wait for the > prompt. type: x=2 (Assign the variable x the value 2) type: 2=x (It's the same mathematically, but to Matlab, this means give the number 2 the value x. This is an error because the value of the number 2 is not allowed to change.) type: x=3; (The semicolon suppresses the output ... ) type: x ( ... but Matlab still does the operation.) type: theta = x*x + x/(4+sqrt(x)) (Variable names can be more than one letter. Arithmetic in Matlab is similar to that on a calculator: * means multiply, sqrt means take the square root, and so on.) type: period = 2*pi (pi and e are built in with the right values.) type: sin(theta)*sin(theta) + cos(theta)*cos(theta) (This is a trigonometric identy. It seems fine, but) type: sin(theta)*sin(theta) + cos(theta)*cos(theta) - 1 (Computer computation is pretty accurate, but not exact.) type: 1/sqrt(2) - sin(pi/4) (On my computer, this happened to come out exactly right. DON'T C OUNT ON IT.) type: a(1) = 2 type: a(2) = 5 type: a(3) = 9 (You are creating an "array". Each time, it tells you the whole array, not just the number. This is how Matlab handles vectors. If you want a particular number, ask for it...) type: a(2) (The value of a(2) is 5, the value of a is [2,5,9].) type: for i=1:6 (You get no prompt when you hit return because Matlab is waiting for more before it does anything. You have begun a "for loop". Matlab will wait for you to tell it the whole loop before it does it.) type: x = i*i (This is more information, but Matlab is still waiting.) type: end (This is how you tell Matlab the loop is finished. Now Matlab will do the loop. In this case, that means doing x = i*i over and over, with i having the values 1, 2, ... 6.) type: for i=1:20 type: y = i - 1; type: s(i) = y*i; (This time, the loop body has two statements, y=i*i-i and s(i) = y. When the loop runs, these two statements will be "executed" for i = 1,2,3,...,20. ) type: end (Because of the semicolons, it may seem that nothing has happened, but ... ) type: s (The array s has been created and has 20 values. For now, don't worry that Matlab calls these values "columns".) type: plot(s) (Pictures are what life is about.) type: help plot (Read the information and try to use some of it.) type: help (This is part of the reason Matlab is easy to learn. Explore the help and tutorial facilities and you should be in good shape.)