Calculus of Variations, Spring 2013 Robert V. Kohn Professor of Mathematics Courant Institute, New York University

This is the web page for my Spring 2013 class
on the Calculus of Variations (MATH-GA 2660.001).
Material will be posted as the semester proceeds. 
I previously taught a similar class in Fall 2009; 
the associated notes are here.

This spring's version will start as in 2009, and 
will be at about the same level, but there will
be some differences in the choice of topics. 

Syllabus, in pdf format 
Lecture 1, in pdf format 
Lectures 2 and 3, in pdf format 
Lecture 4, in pdf format 
Lectures 5 and 6, in pdf format 
Addendum to Lectures 2 & 3 (about why inf sup = sup inf), in pdf format 
Lecture 7, in pdf format 
Lecture 8, in pdf format 
Lecture 9, in pdf format 
R.V. Kohn and G. Strang, "Fibered structures in optimal design", in pdf format 
Lecture 10, in pdf format 
Lecture 11, in pdf format 
Lecture 12, in pdf format 
Lecture 13, in pdf format 
Lecture 14, in pdf format 
R.V. Kohn and S. Mueller, Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Milano 62 (1992) 89-113, in pdf format