Scientific Computing, spring term, 1999

This is the home page for the course "Scientific Computing" offered by the Mathematics and Computer Science departments of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University. The course instructor is Jonathan Goodman. The class meets Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Warren Weaver Hall, room 1302.

Course description

A one semester overview of the mathematical and software principles of scientific computing. The purpose of the course is to enable students to combine all these ideas to produce numerical software that reliably "gets the right answer". Course assignments include mathematical exercises and programming assignments.

Assignments and grading: There will be a number of homework assignments, most involving the computer. The grade will be based on the assignments. It will based on the following three aspects:

TIn particular, the programs need to be well written.

Prerequisites: multivariate calculus and linear algebra. Programming experience in a high level language (FORTRAN, C/C++, Java) is very desirable. It may be possible to learn programming while taking this course. If you want to do this, you must start immediately, preferably before the term starts. A good place to start is with the book "The C Programming Language" be Kernighan and Ritchie.

Computing environment: The "standard computing environment" for this class is the UNIX workstations network of the mathematics department. This includes a C/C++ compiler, debugger (called "debugger"), a graphics/data exploration package (MATLAB), access to the internet, and the ability to read and print postscript documents. Students in the class are welcome to use whatever computing environment is convenient for them, as long as it contains these elements. Students may choose to program in FORTRAN or Java instead of C/C++.

Course Outline


Most coarse materials are available in three formats, Postscript, LaTeX, and PDF. Postscript is a printer language created by Adobe. Software for viewing and printing postscript files, mostly under the name "ghostscript" is free for the downloading. LaTeX is a typesetting system used by most mathematicians and physicists. It too is shareware. The LaTeX files are the source files for the documents. The Acrobat reader, which allows you to view and print PDF format files, is an Adobe product and can be downloaded free.


Assignment 1: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.
Assignment 2: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.
Assignment 3: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format. This assignment uses three data sets, one with high noise, one with medium noise, and one with low noise. You can look at graphs of the data: the high noise data, in postscript or PDF format, the medium noise data, in postscript or PDF format, the low noise data in postscript or PDF format.
Assignment 4: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.
Assignment 5: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.
Assignment 6: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.
Assignment 7: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.
Assignment 8: postscript format, LaTeX format, or PDF format.

Sample codes.