!a Calculus I, Section 4, Goodman, Fall 2004

Calculus I, Section 4, Goodman, Fall 2004

Course Home Page

Monday and Wednesday from 11 to 12:50
Room to be announced
Starting September 8, 2002


Jonathan Goodman
Office hours: Wednesday, 9-11, or by appointment (call, email, or see me at class to set up).
Office: 617, Warren Weaver Hall, NYU

Becca Thomases
Office hours: Wednesday, 1 to 3, or by appointment (call, email, or see me at class to set up).
Office: 820, Warren Weaver Hall, NYU

Kai Ju Liu
Office hours: Thursdays 5 - 7 or by appointment (call, email, or see me at class to set up).
Office: 1111, Warren Weaver Hall, NYU


Click on "refresh" or "reload" to see the latest announcements.
  • September 15: There is an error on the syllabus sheet for today. We are covering sections 3.2 and 3.3 in SHE, not 3.3 and 3.4.
  • 3:30 pm September 9: The blackboard system in the home.nyu.edu web site seems to be working now for students. Please try to access it and send me an email if you cannot get in.
  • 10:40 am September 9: The NYU bookstore is getting in copies of the calculus bundle. They got 100 copies yesterday and more are on the way (they say). Right now there are supposed to be 4 copies on the shelf. It's a good idea to check the bookstore often.
  • 10:30 am September 9: The regular 9-th edition of "Calculus One and Several Variables" by Salas, Hille, and Etgen is word for word identical to the version we are using. You can buy this book from the Amazon or Barnes and Noble web sites. It is more expensive. Both companies have 24 hour guaranteed delivery time in Manhattan (check this when you order). The bookstore is now promising that the NYU calculus bundle will be available Friday.
  • 3pm September 8: The first homework assignment, Homework 1, will be due on Wednesday, September 15 rather than Monday. This gives you two more days and one more class before it is due. Other homeworks will be due on Mondays as scheduled.
  • 1:30 pm September 8: The bookstore told me the Salas, Hille, Etgen book would start arriving this afternoon or tomorrow morning. If it is delayed beyond that, we will postpone the first homework.

Required Texts (2)

Calculus: bundle by publisher Wiley of books including much of the Wiley book by Salas and Hille together with the two volume set by Courant Institute founders Richard Courant and Fritz John. Available only at the NYU Bookstore.

Quick Calculus: A Self Teaching Guide, by Daniel Kleppner and Norman Ramsey. This book is required only for sections 4, 5 and 6. It is inexpensive and very helpful, written by two internationally famous American scientists. You can buy it at the NYU Bookstore ($20 list price) or on the web from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

Tentative syllabus

We are planning five short quizzes. There will be a practice quiz posted well before each one.
Practice for quiz 1.
Practice for quiz 2.
Practice for the midterm exam.
Practice for quiz 4.
Practice for quiz 5.
Practice for the final exam.

Class information

Sections 4, 5, and 6 of Calculus I are being coordinated. The three instructors are Jonathan Goodman for section 4, Becca Thomases for section 5, and Kai-Ju Liu for section 6. Each of us has taught freshman calculus before. We will give the same readings, assignments, quizzes, and exams, and grade them together. Each student can "shop around" to find the instructor he or she feels is best for him or her. The main text is "Calculus I, One Variable" by Salas, Hille, and Etgen. Students should find "Quick Calculus, a Self Teaching Guide", by Kleppner and Ramsey, very helpful. We will assign readings from both texts. We will make little use of "Differential and Integral Calculus" by Courant. There are many ways for students to get help with the material. We strongly encourage students to come to office hours. Students in any of our sections may come to any of our office hours. We also invite students to email questions or suggestions to us. Most students find group study sessions very helpful. If you are getting together with a few friends to work on calculus or want to form or join a study session, please post an announcement either on the bulletin board for your section or on each of the three section bulletin boards. There will be assigned readings and homework each week. It will be most helpful to do the reading before the class in which that topic is discussed. Homeworks will be due at the beginning of the first class of each week.

Grading policy

The course grade will be determined by scores on the homeworks (10%), quizzes (10%), midterm exam (30%), and final exam (50%). Homework assignments will be due at the beginning of the first class of each week, with no homework accepted more than ten minutes after the start of class. There will be a quiz that takes about 15 minutes roughly every two weeks. We will drop the lowest two homework scores and the lowest quiz score.

Homework assignments

Course material downloads

On the chain rule
Old school differentials

More information to be posted.