Numerical Methods II, Spring 2018

Assignments and quizzes

  • Collaboration and ethics policies

  • All assignments and quizzes must be done individually. You are allowed to discuss assignments with other students, but you must "create" every word of your answers and every character of your code yourself (typing and using an editor, file manager, etc.), possibly starting with code you download from the class site. Downloading code from other sites and other forms of code sharing are not allowed. Providing code or answers to other students is not allowed. You are allowed to consult textbooks or other sources for information related to the notes or the assignments. Relying on outside sources for specific answers to actual homework questions is discouraged, as it will not help you remember the answers.

    Quizzes must be done entirely independently. You are not allowed to discuss the quiz content until the start of the class when the quiz is due.

  • Assignments

  • Assignments should be handed handed in at the beginning of class on they day they are due, in hardcopy. You may typset the answers or hand in handwritten answers. Please include printouts of your code, though you need not hand in multiple versions nearly identical versions if you did more than one run.

  • Quizzes

  • The quizzes are found on the NYU Classes site for this class They test material from some part of the class notes. Each quiz consists of ten multiple choice questions. You get a point for each correct answer and lose a point for each wrong answer. You get zero points for a question you leave blank, so do not guess if you have some confidence in your answer. Read the notes first, then take the quiz online. There is a ten minute time limit for each quiz.

  • Computing assignments

  • Coding is an important part of scientific computing and an important part of this class. Students are expected to adopt high programming standards.

    Comments throughout, so that another person can quickly understand the code.

    White space used for readibility.

    Well chosen variable names, short names for mathematical variables, consistent convention for multi-word variables (e.g., start_time, startTime, StartTime).

    Well structured code that is modular, easy to follow, and flexible and testable.

    Output well formatted for readibility, output numbers labelled.

    Graphical output with titles and legends containing run parameters.

  • Schedule of quizzes and assignments

  • Quiz on part 1 of the class notes, due by 5:10pm (before class) on Tuesday, January 30.

    Assignment 1, due February 6 in class. Do the problems at the end of part 1 of the class notes.