# Code for Stochastic Calculus class, Jonathan Goodman # http://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/goodman/teaching/StochCalc20/ # ExponentialSampler.py # Computing the Ito integral that represents a proportionate trading # rule in which the investor bets a fraction r of her assets at each # time on a standard Brownian motion. # See Exercises 4 and 5 of Week 2 notes for details # The author gives permission for anyone to use this publicly posted # code for any purpose. The code was written for teaching, not research # or commercial use. It has not been tested thoroughly and probably has # serious bugs. Results may be inaccurate, incorrect, or just wrong. # illustrate using the Python random number generator from numpy version 19 from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64 # numpy randon number generator routines import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #-------------------- The strategy simulator, an Ito integral -------------------- def sim( dt, T, r, rbg): """Compute an Ito integral process up to time T with time step dt. dt = time step for the Ito integral r = the fraction of assets invested at a given time T = the end of the trading simulation time return values: X, W, isq X = assets at time T W = Brownian motion value at T isq = int from 0 to T of X_t^2 """ X = 1. # start with a unit asset W = 0. # start the Brownian motion path at 0 t = 0. # starting time sdt = np.sqrt(dt) # avoid recomputing this isq = 0. # accumulate the integral of the square while (1): dW = sdt*rg.normal() # Generater the next Brownian motion increment W += dW # Add the increment to get W at time t+dt dX = r*X*dW # The increment to the Ito integral X += dX # The Ito integral at time t+dt isq += (r*X)**2 # the square of the integrand t += dt # Done with work at this time if ( t > T ): # integrate (add up) terms while t= 0 ) ): # ignore values out of range counts[bin] += 1 # bin counts to make a histogram for bin in range(Nvals): # get the cdf by integrating the histogram cdf[bin+1] = cdf[bin] + counts[bin] cdf = cdf / Nsamp label = "Del t = {dt:10.2e}" # label the cdf curve for this dt label = label.format(dt = dt) ax.plot( Xvals, cdf, label = label) # add this cdf to the figure ax.grid() # details of the plot, the grid for readibility ax.set_ylabel('cdf') # all plots have axis labels, even if they're simple ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.legend() # multiple curves in one figure require a legend title = "Wealth outcome, T = {T:6.2f}, r = {r:7.3f}" title = title.format( T= T, r = r) ax.set_title(title) plt.savefig(PlotFile) # Save a good copy of the plot plt.show()