# Numerical Methods II, Courant Institute, NYU, spring 2018 # http://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/goodman/teaching/NumericalMethodsII2018/index.html # written by Jonathan Goodman (instructor) # see class notes Part 1 for more discussion # Use a second order Runge Kutta method to solve an ODE import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Description of the mathematical problem sig = 10. beta = 8./3. rho = 28. T0 = 0. # start time for the simulation T = 10.; # ending time d = 3 # this problem has x(t) with three components x0 = np.ndarray(d) # initial condition x = np.ndarray(d) # the value of x(t) f = np.ndarray(d) # hold the vector f(x) x0[0] = 1. # set the initial condition once for all runs x0[1] = 0. x0[2] = 2. # Numerical parameters for simulation dt_list = [.02, .002, .001] # Repeat the experiment for these values of \Delta t # setup for plots dtp = .02 # time increment for plotting, proposed npt = int( (T - T0)/dtp) + 1 # number of recorded times, for plotting, including x0 dtp = (T - T0)/(npt -1) # recompute the print time step so there ... # ... are an integer number of prints in total tp = np.ndarray(npt) # a list of times at which to print the solution for it in range(npt): tp[it] = T0 + it*dtp xp = np.ndarray([d,npt]) # xp[k,it] is component k of x at time tp[it] fig, ax = plt.subplots() # see pyplot documentation # Do a simimulation for each value of Delta t for dt in dt_list: x = x0 # initialize the trajectory x(t0) = X0 t = T0 ipt = 0 # the index of the time to record the solution for printing tpn = T0 # the time of the next print recording while (t < T) : # the main time step loop if (t + dt) > tpn: # if the next time step takes you past the print time ... dtf = tpn - t # time from the present to the print time, should be < dt xp[:,ipt] = x + dtf*f # record the solution at to the print time ipt = ipt+1 # find the next print time if ipt >= npt: # If there aren't any more, ... break # ... stop computing, you're done. tpn = tp[ipt] # Otherwise, get the next print time f[0] = sig*(x[1]-x[0]) # evaluate f(x) f[1] = x[0]*( rho - x[2]) - x[1] f[2] = x[0]*x[1] - beta*x[2] k1 = f # first stage, k1 = f(x) x1 = x + .5*dt*k1 f[0] = sig*(x1[1]-x1[0]) # evaluate f(x) f[1] = x1[0]*( rho - x1[2]) - x1[1] f[2] = x1[0]*x1[1] - beta*x1[2] k2 = f x = x + dt*k2 # the predictor/corrector trapezoid rule time step t = t + dt # increment time, so x is x(t) dt_last = T - t # take a final time step that may be smaller than dt f[0] = sig*(x[1]-x[0]) # It's OK to use first order Euler here. f[1] = x[0]*( rho - x[2]) - x[1] f[2] = x[0]*x[1] - beta*x[2] x = x + dt*f # should be x(T) dt_string = "dt = " + str(dt) ax.plot( tp, xp[2,:], label = dt_string) legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, prop={'size':10}) # Put a nicer background color on the legend. legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('#00FFCC') title = "Lorenz system, p/c trap solver" plt.title(title) plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel("z") plt.grid() fig.savefig("ODE_trap_Lorenz.pdf")