Current WetLab Projects


A flapping filament in a quasi-two-dimensional soap film flow tunnel: The resulting motion is similar to a flapping flag. We study the dynamics of a single filament as well as multiple interacting filaments under the action of an incoming laminar flow. Two stable states are observed in this system. For more details click on the picture.
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Solid-on-solid friction is studied in a friction driven oscillator. We observe a stochastic process where sticking (rolling) alternates with slipping. For more details click on the picture.


We are studying a technique for visualizing thermal convection. Traditional shadowgraphs collapse the three dimensional information in a convection cell onto a two dimensional plane. We use the principles of stereo vision to recover the 3D structure using two sets of shadowgraphs taken from slightly different angles. For more details click on the picture.


A valveless pump is constructed after the suggestion of Dr. Peskin and Dr. Jung. It is a impedance induced flow system in a closed circle. A directional flow can be realized when a periodic forcing is applied. The direction of flow depends upon the frequency and amplitude. The detailed mechanism is still a mystery. For more details click on the picture.
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This work is inspired by the well-studied problem of modeling  continental drift. It is believed that the Atlantic Ocean closed and then re-opened several times in the past 2.5 billion years. We found, in a table-top experiment, that a free floating plate (model continent) can be driven by thermal turbulence to execute a periodic motion! For more details click on the picture.
