# Stochastic Calculus, Courant Institute, NYU, Fall 2015 # http://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/goodman/teaching/StochCalc2015/index.html # (your name and email here) # Partial code for assignment 1 # Explore the relationship between Gaussian and t densities # Compare the variances, with the same sigma, plot the density functions #------------- procedures to calculate the un-normalized densities --------------------- # return the un-normalized Gaussian pdf, e^{-(x-mu)^2/sig^2} g <- function( x, mu, sig){ z = (x - mu)/sig # distance of x from mean, in units of sigma un_normalized_pdf = exp( -z*z/2) # you can use a long variable name for things not used in formulas. return( un_normalized_pdf ) } # return the un-normalized t pdf, with n degrees of freedom f <- function( x, mu, sig, n){ z = (x - mu)/sig pow = .5*(n+1) un_normalized_pdf = 1/( ( 1 + z*z/n)^pow ) return( un_normalized_pdf ) } #------ The main program, compute the normalization constants, the variance of t, and make plots cat("Welcome to R world\n") # output to the terminal mu = 0. # use these mean and "variance" parameters for ... sig = 2. # ... the whole computation n = 5. # number of degrees of freedom for t output_string = sprintf( "Computing with mu = %8.3f, sigma = %8.3f, and n = %8.3f\n", mu, sig, n) cat( output_string) # Compute integrals numerically (approximately) using the trapezoid rule and equally spaced points x_min_int = mu - 8.*sig # endpoints for the integration interval. x_max_int = mu + 8.*sig # should be large enough to include "all" the mass in the integrals. nx = 1000 # the number of integration points dx = (x_max_int - x_min_int)/(nx-1) # the distance between integration points # The Gaussian integral, for the normalization constant g_int = 0. # initialize the variable that will hold the sum g(x_i)*dx for (i in (1:nx)){ # this makes i go from 1 to nx x = x_min_int + (i-1)* dx # the location of the integration point x_i. i=1 makes x_i = x_min g_int = g_int + g( x, mu, sig)*dx # add the contribution for integration point x_i } # The Gaussian variance integral, using the normalized PDF g_var = 0. # will be the integral that defines the variance for (i in (1:nx)){ x = x_min_int + (i-1)* dx g_var = g_var + ( g( x, mu, sig)/g_int)*dx # add the contribution for integration point x_i } # Print the numerical answers and the errors, which you know for the Gaussian twopi = 2*3.14159 g_int_exact = sqrt( twopi*sig*sig) # the exact answer, by formula g_int_error = g_int - g_int_exact g_var_exact = sig*sig # the exact variance, by formula g_var_error = g_var - g_var_exact output_string = sprintf( "numerical Gaussian integral = %8.4f, error = %9.3e\n", g_int, g_int_error) cat( output_string) output_string = sprintf( "numerical Gaussian variance = %8.4f, error = %9.3e\n", g_var, g_var_error) cat( output_string) # The t integral, for the normalization constant, more or less the same as the gaussian integral t_int = 0. for (i in (1:nx)){ x = x_min_int + (i-1)* dx t_int = t_int + f( x, mu, sig, n)*dx } cat( sprintf("t integral = %8.3f\n", t_int)) # The t variance integral, using the normalized PDF t_var = 0. # will be the integral that defines the variance for (i in (1:nx)){ x = x_min_int + (i-1)* dx t_var = t_var + ( f( x, mu, sig, n)/t_int)*dx # add the contribution for integration point x_i } output_string = sprintf( "Gaussian variance = %8.3f, t variance = %8.3f, t var - Gaussian var = %9.3e\n", g_var_exact, t_var, t_var - g_var_exact) cat( output_string) nd = ( t_int - g_int)*n cat( sprintf("normalized difference is = %8.3f\n", nd)) x_plot_max = mu + 5.*sig # upper and lower limits of the plot interval, smaller than the compute interval x_plot_min = mu - 5.*sig nx_plot = 200 # number of points to plot, for each curve dx_plot = (x_plot_max-x_plot_min)/(nx_plot-1) g_vals = rep(0, nx_plot) # the gaussian values, etc. t_vals = rep(0, nx_plot) x_vals = rep(0, nx_plot) for ( i in (1:nx_plot)){ x = x_plot_min + dx_plot*(i-1) g_vals[i] = g( x, mu, sig)/g_int t_vals[i] = f( x, mu, sig, n)/t_int x_vals[i] = x } #-------- create the plot and write it to a .pdf file ----------------- # pdf( "PDF_plots.pdf") # PDF is for probability density function # title = sprintf( title and parameter values, mu, sig, n) # plot( the gaussian plot, with some kind of line ) # lines( the t density plot, with some other kind of lines ) # a blue line # grid() so you can read the plot # labels = c(two labels, for the legend) # legend(... ) # characters. NA means "none" # dev.off( which = dev.cur() )