Research Notes

This page is preliminary and under construction.

The purpose of this visit to McMurdo Station is to collect and study the motility of two species of Antarctic pteropods.
Our work involves both field collecting and laboratory studies at the Crary Laboratory of McMurdo Station. The
collecting, at various sights within snowmobile, Spryte,  or helicopter range of McMurdo, is through bored ice holes
or at a natural ice edge, and is accomplished by dropping a plankton net, usually to a depth of 60-200 feet. The
water at some of the sites is much deeper. The laboratory work will involve the filming of swimming pteropods
with a digital video camera, and the analysis of these videos for quantitative information. The medium is seawater
at various temperatures aroundthe natural ambient temperature. We also will vary the viscosity of the seawater
by addding Dextran, a high molecular weight carbohydrate.

Pteropods are small gastropod molluscs. They are distinguished, at an intermediate stage of development,
by the presence
of both ciliary bands, and a pair of small wings, both of which are used in swimming. Since the swimming is at an
intermediate Reynolds number of order 50, these pteropods find themselves swimming above
the Stokesian realm, where
cilia predominate, and below the Eulerian realm, where wings tend to dominate. An understanding of how both are
used in different ways during the development of the pteropod may help us understand something about the emergence
of winged flight.

We are dealing with two species of pterobods. Clione Limacina, is a shell-less
pteropod, shown here swimming from right to left.

The longest body length we have seen so far is about 15mm, although lengths up to 85 mm
have been reported in subarctic Atlantic regions. Here is a view of a mature Clione:

The second species is Limacina helicina, a shelled mollusc:

Limacina is the exclusive prey item for Clione, and a specialized
feeding apparatus is used to extract the body from the shell..
Clione, on the other hand are not palatable to fish.

A basic reference: Pelagic Snails by Carol M. Lalli and Ronald W. Gilmer, Stanford University
Press, 1989.

Experimental goals and procedures

We have collected pteropods either by directly sampling of surface water or (usually) by drop tows
of a plankton net, through holes in the ice or at the ice edge. The creatures may be kept in cold
sea water for up to five or six days, after which we sacrifice them in an ethanol solution for later
chemical analysis. The main experiment is in a small (10 cm diameter) cylindrical beaker in a constant
temperature bath. A mirror at 45 degrees allows an overhead digital video camera to get both top and side
views simultaneusly. A cone of filter paper set into the bottom of the beaker helps guide a descending pteropod
to a position  in the field of view. Video clips are recorded for three different modes: flapping, ciliary
swimming, and passive drifting. The flapping "flight" is performed by a pair of small wings. At the
stage of development we are seeing now, pteropods have three ciliary bands at head, waist, and tail, together with
the wings. The drifting is due to buoyancy, which may be positive or negative, with neither propulsive mode active.

We seek three examples of each type of movement, for three temperatures, -2,0,+2 degrees Centigrade,
and in sea water 0, 1, and 2% concentration of Dextran by weight, or 81 observations per individual. (Dextran is a carbohydrate of high average molecular weight. It does not have any apparent effect on the pteropods,
because the osmotic effects are negligible (on the basis of other experiments).
However it does alter the fluid density, and this can
change the buoyancy of the organism. In fact Pteropods are seen to have control over their buoyancy,
by a process not well understood, and their density is sufficiently close to water that the Dextran
can change te sign of buoyancy, in Clione at any rate.

Since the viscosity of sea water increases with decreasing temperature, our protocol decreases viscosity
in two steps by temperature, and increases it in two steps by Dextran. We can thus separate out effects of
temperature and viscosity on motility.

Here is a view of the experimental beaker in the bath:

Robert Dudley is at the controls:

We also have an independent setup, shown below,  where analog and digital
video may be taken through a dissecting microscope. The enables
casual observation of the behaviors, and the clips will be used to quantify the flapping movements.

The analysis of the data, which at this writing (December 8) is only beginning, will yield
among other quantities the speed of the path projected onto the plane of the lateral view,
and the frequency of the wing beat  in the flapping mode. We will also analyse the
wing beat pattern and try to determine a standard configuration of the wings over a cycle.

Stalking the wild pteropods, December 11